Tuesday, 21 March 2017

3 Signs You’re Diving Into A Relationship Too Soon

 A free trial chat is a great way to ease back into the dating world after a breakup. Getting to know someone new can be exciting and fascinating. But if the relationship is more than a casual chat, it is important to walk the fine line between taking it slow and gray-zoning. Here are three signs that the relationship is going too fast too soon:

The ‘casual’ relationship has consumed you so much that friends and family have taken a backseat:

It is not uncommon for friends to complain that they get to see you less when you’re spending time with your new boyfriend. But if they’re doing so in the initial stages, it is a sign that things are moving a little too fast. It is time to take a step back and think if you’re rushing. It’s good that you want to know him better, but you cannot ignore people in your life.

You’re meeting/chatting on the phone every single day:

You do not need to meet each other or chat over the phone in the initial phase. A break keeps things exciting and creates a mystery around each other. It is important that you do not lose yourself when starting a new relationship. Besides, it’s easy to get sick of each other when you meet every day.

You’re making plans for the future:

You have been together for not more than a few weeks; yet, you’re secretly making plans about your future. You may be thinking about moving in together or seeing yourself getting married. Or, you find yourself making plans that require spending money or a lot of time together. You may be overwhelming the other person with your attention and making him (or her) think you’re taking the relationship too fast.  And if you’re on the receiving end, gently remind the person that you need a break – it’s probably time to try some of our free phone chat lines for singles.

Taking things slow in the initial phase helps you avoid disappointments. But don’t take it so slow as to remain perpetually in the gray zone.